Thursday, April 30, 2015
CT exchange plans violating ACA women’s coverage protections
Researchers found eight violations in 2014 and thirteen
violations this year of Affordable Care Act women’s coverage provisions by
plans offered in CT’s insurance exchange. The new
report by the National Women’s Law Center analyzed benefits and offerings
of ACA-required services women need among marketplace plans in fifteen states. Violations
in CT included breastfeeding supports and supplies, essential health benefits,
and coverage for birth control. Other state violations also included genetic
testing, prescription coverage, pre-existing condition coverage, maternity and
preventative services. The Center working with local CT advocates were able to
encourage state regulators to issue a bulletin to all insurers outlining legal requirements
for coverage of birth control services.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
SIM responds to advocates’ Medicaid concerns
Monday the Lieutenant
Governor responded to a letter
sent earlier this month signed by twenty independent consumer advocates and
providers raising concerns about SIM’s plans for Medicaid. In her letter, the
Lieutenant Governor agreed that CT’s Medicaid program has become a national
model of success, improving access to care, raising quality and controlling
costs. Those achievements resulted from our transition three years ago from
financial risk models to care coordination – through person-centered medical
homes and intensive care management. Advocates are concerned that SIM’s rushed
return to financial risk models will unravel those achievements. Data systems
and policies are not ready to carefully monitor financial incentives in de
facto downside risk arrangements, or to identify and correct under-service
driven by the new incentives. The advocates’ letter urges the administration to
learn the lessons of the spectacular HUSKY MCO failure and consider well-tested,
better options that have greater potential to improve quality, coordinate
care and further control costs.
In her letter, the Lieutenant Governor understands our
concerns and has agreed to delay implementation of the new Medicaid plan by six
months. That is a good start; hopefully it will be sufficient to protect people
and hard-won progress. In any event, the advocates remain committed to work
constructively with the administration toward the common goal of developing a
value-based program.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Appropriations Committee restores most of the Governor’s proposed health care cuts
Today the Appropriations
Committee released their budget, restoring most of the deep Medicaid cuts
the Governor
proposed in February. The committee rejected the Governor’s proposal to cut
34,000 working parents and pregnant women from HUSKY coverage. The committee
also restored funding, accounting for inevitable delays, for the innovative
health neighborhoods pilots to coordinate care for fragile state residents
eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. The committee also restored much of
the Governor’s proposed cuts to Medicaid provider rates. The committee also cut
in half spending to implement SIM’s
controversial plan for Medicaid.
Backgrounder on Hartford health needs for Malta House of Care
Last week CTHPP gave a
presentation for the Malta House
of Care on health care needs in Hartford and health care trends. Malta
provides free primary care to Hartford’s uninsured with volunteer providers and
a mobile van that travels to neighborhoods in need. Given seismic shifts in the
health care environment that affect both their patients and volunteer
providers, Malta House of Care is developing a strategic plan to ensure that they
continue to meet the community’s needs into the future.
Friday, April 24, 2015
National health disparities summit coming to CT
June 12th and 13th the UConn Health
Center will host the National
Health Disparities Elimination Summit. Dr. Louis Sullivan, former HHS
Secretary, CEO& Chairman of the Sullivan Alliance and President Emeritus of
Morehouse School of Medicine, will be the keynote speaker. The conference is
sponsored by UConn, the CT Institute for Clinical and Translational Science,
the Cobb Institute, and CT’s Legislative Black & Puerto Rican Caucus. Click
here for the agenda
and to
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Some possible, potential, small, but encouraging good state revenue news
With big disclaimers, the CT
Mirror is reporting very early indications are that CT is having a good tax
season. It may be premature, but right now it looks like April tax receipts are
up slightly above even the very optimistic projections in the Governor’s
budget. Hopefully this gives the state some room to reject proposed
health care budget cuts. Let’s all cross our fingers as DRS opens more
Monday, April 20, 2015
Weeds you should understand
A great NY
Times Upshot article describes, in normal English, the difference between
mortality and survival rates. They do sound the same, but aren’t. The article
starts out with two cancer studies seem to have reached opposite conclusions.
(These things really bug me because it leads people to throw up their hands and
doubt all science.) Read down to the example of thumb cancer (not a real
thing). I’ll be using this example with my students often.
In a related Health
Affairs article, researchers estimate that false positive breast cancer
results cost the US health system $4 billion annually in unnecessary treatments
including more imaging, biopsies, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Friday, April 17, 2015
MAPOC committee beginning work on shared savings program redesign

The first set
of decisions will be around quality.
The committee has done some preliminary work on this area and DSS was very open
to input, incorporating some of the committees’ suggested metrics.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Community rally about Bradley Hospital inpatient beds
The Community Committee to Save Bradley Hospital will be
holding a rally April 26th at 2pm, at the Southington Historical
Society, 239 Main St. Southington, rain or shine, to convince leadership at
Hartford Healthcare to retain inpatient beds at Bradley Hospital. The committee
was able to convince leaders to keep the ER at Bradley open, but are still
working to retain inpatient care beds. The hospital was originally donated to
the town by the Bradley family; there will be exhibits about the Bradley family
and the hospital at the rally. For more information, call Bonnie at
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Only 36% of CT physicians have any shared savings arrangements, correcting questionable SIM estimates from 2013 driving expansive policy
new SIM survey of CT physicians found that currently only 36% of CT
physicians participate in any shared savings or ACO program. There is no
information on whether shared savings are a significant part of revenues in
even the minority of physicians who are in this payment model. Not
surprisingly, shared savings is slightly more prevalent among physician owners
of practices. This new number, based on a proper randomized survey, is far
below SIM’s questionable assertion in September 2013 that 62% of CT physicians
had shared savings contracts, and the number was growing quickly. At the time,
advocates and provider groups raised significant concerns
about the accuracy and methodology used to generate this number.
Unfortunately, that number was used at the time to argue that shared savings
was prevalent in our state and there was no danger to including strong SIM policies
to compel the payment model across the entire state. This points out the critical
need for good, unbiased data to drive policy decision-making in CT reforms.
The survey includes other interesting information. Busting
another myth, 73% of physicians working in CT Patient-Centered Medical Homes
are from small or medium-sized practices. Thankfully a SIM steering committee
member pointed out that while only one in three physicians believe PCMHs
improve the quality of care, you would get a very different answer from
consumers. There is strong
evidence in the literature and here in CT’s
Medicaid program of improved quality in PCMHs. Echoing almost exactly CDC’s
recent survey, UConn found that 73% of physicians are accepting new
Medicaid patients. This is up from 61% in a survey from before Medicaid shifted
its financial model away from risk to the current model that emphasizes quality
and care coordination.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
20 independent advocates share concerns about SIM’s plans for Medicaid
Yesterday twenty
independent consumers, advocates and providers sent a letter to the
Lieutenant Governor expressing our grave concerns about the “current plans for
widespread precipitous changes” in Medicaid’s payment model. The letter
outlines concerns about re-imposing financial risk, this time on providers of
care, that creates incentives to deny needed care. States with far more
experience than ours in successful reform are struggling to make this work. At
the least, taking time for thoughtful policymaking and consensus building, is
essential to avoid unraveling the hard won success. We remain “fully committed
to building value in our system and linking incentives to quality care while
protecting consumers.” And we remain committed to working collaboratively
toward those shared goals.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Tolland County healthiest in CT; New Haven County least healthy
According to County
Health Rankings and Roadmaps, overall residents of Tolland County are the
healthiest in our state, but there is wide variation between measures. For
instance Tolland County scored lowest among CT counties in physical environment
with the highest rate of drinking water violations and long commutes driving
alone. Tolland County is lowest in premature deaths, but neighboring Windham County
ranked highest in that measure, with residents 38% more likely to die
prematurely than Tolland county residents. Middlesex County ranked first in
quality of life and social/economic factors; Fairfield County residents did
best in health behaviors and the lowest rate of preventable hospital stays.
Fascinating comparisons.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Big improvement -- almost three out of four CT physicians accepting new Medicaid patients
A new
analysis by the Centers for Disease Control finds that 72.5% of CT
office-based physicians accepted new Medicaid patients in 2013, better than the
US average of 68.9%. This is a big improvement over a
different survey in 2011 finding that only 60.7% of office-based physicians
in CT were accepting new Medicaid patients – the fourth worst rate among states
at the time. This improvement is no doubt due in large part to dedicated
efforts at DSS since 2011 to address
serious challenges to provider participation in Medicaid and the
resulting quality and access improvements. This good news couldn’t come at
a better time, with over a hundred thousand new members joining the program in
the last year due to the Affordable Care Act expansion. However there is more
work to do – 13.6% more CT physicians accept new Medicare patients than
Medicaid and 18% more accept new privately insured patients. We are also behind
our neighboring states of MA (76.0%) and Rhode Island (71.0%), but well ahead
of New York (57.1%) in Medicaid participation. New Jersey is lowest in the
nation with only 38.7% of office-based physicians accepting new Medicaid
Monday, April 6, 2015
April web quiz on premiums in CT’s exchange
Test your knowledge of premiums in CT’s health insurance
exchange. Take the April
CT Health Policy Webquiz.
Friday, April 3, 2015
A Better Idea for SIM-Medicaid: Coordinate Care for High-Need, High-Cost Patients

Thursday, April 2, 2015
CT health reform progress moving backward
CT’s progress toward health reform dropped from 29.0% to
27.4% this month mainly because of SIM setbacks and state budget cuts. Both
implemented and new proposed cuts to Medicaid provider rates threaten
significant progress over the last three years. Cuts to the promising health
neighborhood project and a rush into risky shared savings models threaten
future Medicaid progress. Ethics and conflict of interest programs circle SIM.
The only bright spot is a slate of bipartisan Senate bills promoting
transparency, stabilizing hospitals, and building toward future reforms. The CT
health reform progress meter is part of the CT Health Reform Dashboard.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Unfortunate SCOTUS decision limits Medicaid provider rights
A decision
yesterday by the US Supreme Court reversed a Ninth Circuit decision and
ruled that providers do not have the legal right to sue a state Medicaid
program under the federal Medicaid act. Armstrong
v. Exceptional Child Center involved an Idaho clinic suing the state because
rates were too low to ensure adequate access to care, as required under federal
law. The Court ruled that only the federal Medicaid agency can enforce that
provision of law. Advocates
are deeply concerned about the implications for access to care and
protecting fragile consumers’ health in the program.
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