Wednesday, October 28, 2015
25 CT hospitals decline to respond to Leapfrog quality survey
Only five CT hospitals reported quality and patient safety
data to the Leapfrog
Group this year – Bristol, Backus, Dempsey, Stamford and Windham hospitals.
The hospitals that did report performed very well in general. Released this
morning, the 2015 Leapfrog survey covers nineteen areas including maternity
care, high risk surgeries, hospital acquired conditions and resource use. CT
hospitals have not performed well in national quality rankings, including Medicare
hospital readmission rates.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Community Care Teams addressing high-cost Medicaid member needs
Friday’s MAPOC Complex Care Committee meeting focused on Community
Care Teams (CCTs) that collaborate across social service to help people
with complex health problems. So far, seven CT communities are developing or
already operating CCTs that focus on frequent ED visitors. The CCT teams
include hospitals, behavioral health and primary care providers with community
resources such as food and housing programs. CCTs include regular meetings of
all partners, to review cases and align treatment resources, as well as dedicated
staff to connect with patients and help them navigate the resources. At the committee
meeting we heard from Middlesex
County’s CCT, which started three years ago and has already achieved
impressive reductions in ED usage and costs. The Middlesex CCT has saved an
estimated $1.7 million in ED costs to date. Each ER visit avoided by a Medicaid
member saves the program an average of $915.66. On behalf of DSS, CHNCT and the
CT Behavioral Health Program both support and participate in CCTs across the
state. Funds this year to support and expand CCTs across the state were cut from
the state budget but there is optimism that funding in next year’s budget will
be protected.
Friday, October 23, 2015
CTNJ Op-Ed on CT’s ACA progress covering the uninsured
Yesterday’s op-ed in CT News Junkie focused on CT’s mixed
results in covering the uninsured under the Affordable Care Act. Read
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
ACA and covering the uninsured: How did CT do?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Anthem, Aetna and CIGNA have 82.5% of CT health insurance enrollment

The report also has a wealth of useful information for
consumers including customer service info, NCQA accreditation level, and number
of providers by county and type. The report includes several quality measures
including performance on cancer screenings, controlling high blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, prenatal and postpartum care, drug utilization with costs,
behavioral health, and member satisfaction.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Half of CT’s remaining uninsured eligible for subsidies or Medicaid
A new analysis
by Kaiser finds that 47% of CT’s remaining uninsured are eligible for
subsidized coverage. The latest
Census report found that CT’s uninsured rate dropped
by 2.5% from 2013 to 2014., but 6.9% of state residents are still without
coverage. While 87,000 more residents gained coverage in the first year of the
ACA expansion, CT’s progress lagged behind the US average (2.8%) and especially
behind the average for states like CT that expanded Medicaid (3.2%). The new
Kaiser analysis drills deeper into those numbers finding that half of the
remaining 247,000 uninsured CT residents are eligible for either Medicaid
(69,000) or subsides to purchase coverage on the exchange (62,000).
Unfortunately 116,000 uninsured state residents do not qualify for subsidized
coverage either because of income, an employer offer or immigration status. We
have a lot of room to improve, to take advantage of the opportunities under the
ACA and get affordable coverage to every state resident.
Monday, October 12, 2015
NJ conference on Medicaid ACOs – deep commitment to applying lessons learned
A CT contingent ventured to NJ last week for their 4thAnnual MedicaidPayment Reform Summit. The conference was sponsored by the QI Collaborative
which is working with the state and private foundations to support accountable
care in NJ’s Medicaid program. We heard from Jeff Brenner of the Camden
Coalition about their impressive results in serving high-need, high-cost
consumers through intensive and culturally appropriate outreach, robust
provider collaboration, and strong links to social services. We heard about other
effective high-cost, high-need programs from Baltimore, Boston, and New York. We
heard from three ACOs that were certified for NJ’s Medicaid program and one
that wasn’t but is still working toward accountable care. We heard from Jurgen
Unutzer from the Univ. of Washington about what works, and what doesn’t, to
effectively integrate behavioral health into primary care. Click here for slides. A panel talked about
technology innovations that can support effective payment and delivery reforms.
Fascinating information from people really doing the work. NJ is well ahead of CT in designing thoughtful
Medicaid reforms. We learned a lot.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
CT Medicaid spending down 4.2% from FY 14 to FY 15
Happily CT’s Medicaid program is bucking the state budget
trend. State spending on CT’s Medicaid program fell 4.2% between state fiscal
year (FY) 2014 and 2015, largely due to higher federal reimbursements,
according to an analysis by the Office of State
Comptroller. Between FYs 2009 and 2015, Medicaid averaged 4.1% annual
increases, lower than the state employee health plan at 4.4% and state retiree
health insurance at 5.5%. According to the report, almost half of Medicaid
spending goes to hospitals (28%) and to drugs (18%). Between FY 2014 and 2015,
hospital spending dropped by 1.5% while pharmacy spending grew by almost 40%.
The report points out that Medicaid “can have a growth rate that is consistent
with or even below general medical inflation and still consume one of the
largest dollar shares of the budget.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
CT MFP program success featured in Health Affairs
An article
in this month’s Health Affairs describes CT Medicaid’s successful Money
Follows the Person program. The study by UConn and DSS authors found that
participants transitioning from institutional care to community settings
reported better quality of life and life satisfaction that continued well after
the transition. Some needed to return to the hospital or ER for a time, but only
14% returned to institutional care. Researchers were able to identify new
predictors of re-institutionalization that will help improve the program and
prevent the need for institutional care.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Administration agrees to more time to design Medicaid reform
Monday the administration announced that they will delay the redesign of CT’s Medicaid program by at least six months. In a letter sent last week by twenty one independent consumers advocates, concerns were raised about the rush back into a risky financial model that could cost increase state costs. Advocates were particularly concerned about jeopardizing recent quality, access and cost control gains in the program.
Friday, October 2, 2015
October web quiz: Potential CT impact of the Cadillac tax
Test your knowledge of Connecticut employer health plans
that may be subject to the ACA’s Cadillac tax. Take the October CT Health Policy Webquiz.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
CT health reform progress down 4th month in a row
Unfortunately CT’s
progress toward health reform is down again this month to 25.6%, dropping
for the fourth month in a row. Medicaid’s rushed return to a risky financial
model and recent provider cuts led the concerns. However Medicaid officials
continue to consult with stakeholders in the design. Higher premiums on CT’s
health insurance exchange added to the troubles along with SIM’s imprudent
plans for community resources that are undermining Medicaid’s progress. The CT
health reform progress meter is part of the CT Health Reform Dashboard.
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