Wednesday 26
independent consumer advocates wrote the Lieutenant Governor supporting
DSS’s decision to evaluate outcomes after the first wave of 200,000+ members
into the new Medicaid shared savings program, MQISSP. The advocates support
DSS’s prudent plan to assess the impact, good and bad, and make revisions
before moving more people into the untested program. Enlightened policymakers incorporate
robust evaluations in all programs, and use them in revising programs to limit
harm and build value. More mature shared savings programs in other states and
programs have struggled, many have not saved money, and quality improvement is
weak. Given the state has recognized the higher danger for inappropriate
underservice for Medicaid members in financial risk models, DSS’s plan to evaluate
and adjust based on the evidence is especially wise.
Friday, July 29, 2016
Thursday, July 28, 2016
OHCA hears more from community about harm from YNHH-L&M deal
Tuesday OHCA got another earful from community members,
providers and experts as they continued the public
hearing on Yale-New Haven’s application to acquire L&M hospital and
medical group. Intervenors, including the CT Health Policy Project, continued
our testimony about likely
price increases and loss of services in the New London community if the
deal is approved. Intervenors and OHCA asked again for price data from previous
YNHH acquisitions as well as the ongoing Community Health Needs Assessment,
required by the Affordable Care Act, and what identified needs the hospital has
acted on. Intervenors also told powerful
stories of lost
services in Windham when Hartford Hospital bought their community hospital
and that L&M clinical services are already well integrated with YNHH independent
of the corporate acquisition. YNHH cited, among other reasons, Medicaid cuts as
a reason to merge, but were reminded of CT’s relatively generous provider rates
and that CT has maintained provider rate increases even after federal funding
ended, despite severe budget deficits that will result in thousands of working
parents losing
HUSKY this weekend.
Monday, July 18, 2016
ICER seeks input on value asssessment methodology update

Sunday, July 17, 2016
CT second lowest in US in premature deaths, but also among most costly states
Second only to New Hampshire among states, Connecticut
residents are avoiding premature deaths preventable with better health care. However,
no Connecticut community ranked in the top 10% across health indicators in the Commonwealth
Fund’s 2016
Local Health System Scorecard. While we do
very well in Healthy Lives measures, we have a great deal of work to do in
Avoidable Hospital use. Medicare readmission rates are high in all three noted
hospital referral regions – Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven. Hartford and
New Haven area residents also face higher rates of avoidable ED and hospital
admissions. Health care costs per person are among the highest in the nation,
especially for employer-sponsored coverage. There is wide variation within
states across the report’s 36 health care indicators of quality, access,
avoidable hospital use, costs and outcomes. Overall the report found almost all
localities in the US are making progress improving health but very slowly. New
policies are making a difference including Affordable Care Act coverage
expansions, Medicare’s hospital readmission and quality reporting initiatives,
and FDA regulations and protections. Generally low-income areas perform more
poorly but the report includes important lessons. Investments in public health
are making a difference including school-based care, social service
collaborations, workforce training, data, and connecting people to coverage and
medical homes.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Health Care Cabinet starts work on recommendations for reform
the Health Care Cabinet gave consultants initial feedback on their “straw
man” recommendations to improve health care and control costs in CT. The
Cabinet has spent the last several months exploring leading state reforms
preparing for our December report to the General Assembly. Members
expressed concerns about the proposed consolidation of all state health
agencies into a single agency and creating another new agency for health policy
planning. Members suggested less complicated and less costly ways to achieve
the same goals of coordinating activities and analyzing data. Deep concerns
were voiced about a return to capitated financial risk for Medicaid. Since
leaving capitation four years ago, CT
Medicaid has improved the quality of care, engaged significantly more
providers, and reduced per person costs -- by 5.9% just last year. Concerns
were also raised about an 1115 waiver, which has been a tool for increased
resources but also to reduce care in other states. It’s important to decide on
goals first, before jumping to a risky and controversial strategy. A proposal
to join Medicaid and state employee plan purchasing has failed several times in
the past. While the goal of reducing market concentration is a good one, the
recommendation needs to be much stronger. There was strong support for using data
and evidence in health planning. Dozens of good ideas that will be necessary to
any successful reform were missing from the list and efforts beyond state
government were not recognized in the report. Advocates will be providing the
Cabinet with feedback and alternatives to the recommendations. One thing the
consultants got very right was the main challenge to reform in CT – “Lack of
trust among key stakeholders.” It was suggested that we start with smaller,
more realistic steps (we can afford) that give early successes and build trust.
The next meeting will be August 9th.
Community voices fears about proposed YNHH acquisition of L&M
OHCA’s public
hearing about Yale-New Haven Health System’s plans to buy Lawrence &
Memorial Monday in New London ran over 6 hours and had to be continued to later
this month to finish. Public
comment was split between those favoring the deal and others with concerns.
A coalition of community groups, labor and consumer advocates, including the CT
Health Policy Project, have been certified as intervenors. We are concerned
that the deal will cement CT’s anti-competitive hospital/health system market driving
up prices, lowering access to care, reducing consumer choice and undermining efforts
to improve quality and value. The applicants have suggested that they will
invest $300 million in the New London region, but won’t say how or where the
money will come from, and they will make those decisions behind closed doors
after the deal is done. Intervenors urged YNHH to use the transparent Community
Health Needs Assessment process, required by the ACA, to develop a plan for
that funding in partnership with the New London community. Research finds that
monopolies drive
up health care prices more than 15% – CT prices are already too high, and
the state budget is too tight to withstand this.
Monday, July 11, 2016
Medicaid update – HUSKY parents’ time running out, home health and dental get different cuts, autism services moving
Friday’s Medicaid Council touched on several critical
issues. We got an update, of sorts, on the fate of HUSKY
parents facing the loss of coverage in three weeks. 20% of the 13,811
at-risk parents have either re-qualified for Medicaid (the large majority) or
signed up for an AccessHealthCT plan. 3,877 parents from the original number
are already off the program – examples given include no longer having a qualifying
child in the household or moving out of state. No detail on any of these
numbers was given. However AccessHealthCT
is making significant efforts to inform at-risk parents including a link to
Statewide Legal Services of CT’s fact sheets in English and Spanish that include
full information about options and how to prepare for those who will likely
become uninsured.
We also heard about very different decisions on provider
rate cuts. Planned 5% dental rate cuts have been reduced to 3% or 2% and will,
in part, drive quality by reversing payment for sealants and fillings that
failed before they should have. However the proposed rate cut to home health
agencies for medication administration will go forward unchanged despite a
proposal by the home health providers’ organization that would have filled $13
million of the $14.8 million budget hole. There is an honest disagreement about
appropriate levels of care. Concerns were raised that this cut will reduce
access to critical services, especially for behavioral health care, and could
interfere with progress keeping people in community settings.
We also heard about the promising shift of autism
service delivery to DSS and Beacon Health, the behavioral health ASO.
Services include behavioral treatment as well as access to peer specialists and
care coordinators. DSS and Beacon are working to improve initial assessments
and recruit new providers. It is hoped that the shift will expand access to
high quality care for people with autism spectrum disorder.
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
CT Health Reform Dashboard – SIM ethics problems grow, an insurer lost, HUSKY parents losing coverage
July’s CT Health Reform
Dashboard update is very active. SIM ethics problems are back in the news,
with the death of a bill that would have closed the legal loophole that exempts
SIM appointees. The state insurance department has suspended
HealthyCT, our state’s only non-profit, homegrown insurer. This is troubling
on many levels including reducing consumer choice, adding to our anti-competitive
market, and that non-profit, local insurers are an important partner supporting
constructive health reform in other states. 11,677
working parents still face uninsurance at the end of this month due to
HUSKY cuts. Only 15% have either been able to stay on HUSKY or been able to
afford AccessHealthCT coverage. Advocates are urging the state to provide useful
information in notices to at-risk parents. The Health Care Cabinet has
completed a survey of other states’ reforms and CT’s context. Now negotiations begin
on recommendations for Connecticut. The Governor’s CON Taskforce is also
beginning their work making recommendations to ensure access and affordability
in a competitive health care market. Next week OHCA is holding a hearing in New
London to consider Yale-New Haven’s plan to buy Lawrence & Memorial’s
hospital and physician groups.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
New HUSKY parents numbers show a lot of work needed before July 31st
No one knows why, but the number of HUSKY parents expected
to lose coverage at the end of this month dropped
from 17,688 to 13,811. That’s probably good news (depending on whether
those four thousand already lost coverage and why), but as of late last week,
only 15% had either been able to re-enroll in Medicaid or chosen a plan through
AccessHealthCT. This leaves over 11,000 working parents at risk of becoming
uninsured as of August 1st. Of the 2,134 parents who were reached,
70% were able to re-enroll in Medicaid (either because family income dropped or
through another category). Only 635 were able to afford an AccessHealthCT plan
and enrolled. AccessHealthCT intends to continue outreach efforts. Statewide
Legal Services of CT has published a very helpful fact sheet for working
parents facing the HUSKY cuts, in English and Spanish.
Friday, July 1, 2016
State policymakers hear about successes and challenges in Medicaid reform
Wednesday’s Medicaid Reform meeting hosted by CSG-ERC Health Policy Committee
highlighted the variety of approaches states are taking to address their unique
challenges. All states are committed to move away from volume-based payment
models toward building value. All states were also committed, and have devoted
significant resources, to quality improvement and delivery reform to build
programs that are centered on patients. But states face different challenges,
cultures and capacity. The all-day meeting at the Boston State House included
Medicaid officials, legislators, staff, federal officials and other
stakeholders. We heard from Bailit
Health researchers about their recent survey of Medicaid reforms across the
US. The survey found that states are moving into value-based purchasing because
of strong pressure from CMS, internal strategic priorities, budget constraints,
and active policymakers. State Medicaid programs are moving more slowly and
tentatively into financial risk models than the private sector because of the
unique nature of the program, its providers and members. We also heard from NESCSO, a non-profit organization funded by New
England states to support state Health and Human Service Agencies. NESCSO
provides staff training, information exchange, and collaborative solutions such
as joint purchasing of services to support reform. NESCSO is planning to bring panels
of federal health officials to states. To start the lively Policymakers’
Roundtable discussion we heard from Medicaid officials from NY, MA, RI, VT and
CT. Discussion focused on what has worked and where the challenges still are. One
member noted that “Medicaid reform is not like flipping a switch. It’s more
like slowly turning up a dimmer.” We heard about new DSRIP opportunities,
Accountable Care Organization development and regulation, underservice
protections, multipayer collaboration, aligning quality targets, addressing
social determinants of health, re-focusing programs on members’ needs, strengthening
primary care and care coordination. The main request from participants to
CSG-ERC for the future was to continue opportunities to meet and share
resources. Slides and other documents will be posted online soon.
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