Connecticut health policymaking has trust issues. This year
Connecticut health thoughtleaders rated trust among stakeholders at only 26 out
of 100 possible points, with zero to ten being the most common response. Low
trust scores were found in every stakeholder group. Research confirms that
trust is an essential foundation to governing and reform; without it no
progress is possible. But in good news, Thoughtleaders and the public have
submitted 173 ideas to build trust and move forward. They fall into some themes
-- process/respect, more voices engaged, transparency and accountability,
keeping promises, using data and best practices, avoiding political
agendas/conflicted interests/ethics, better communications, and a large number
of very specific ideas for health system improvement. Click here to read thebrief, here for the specific proposals, and here for more ideas. We all need to
really listen to all voices, look beyond self-interest, and change how we
operate. Are we up to that?