As part of the health
rate review process, CT’s Insurance Department will hold a public hearing June
th in Hartford on insurers’ double-digit
rate requests for
next year. In the morning, the hearing will address Anthem’s requests averaging
33.8% increases and affecting 35,000 policyholders. In the afternoon, the
hearing will consider ConnectiCare’s average 17.5% increase request affecting
50,907 policyholders. The hearing will be at 153 Market St. in Hartford in the
th floor hearing room. Info on the hearings, including parking
validation and public comment, and the full rate filings are
online. Residents
can also submit written comment online by July 1
st by clicking “Select”
next to the
you want to address. Commenters can also mail comments to CT Insurance
Department, P.O. Box 816, Hartford CT 06142.