Thursday, January 4, 2018

Healthcare Cabinet prescription drug cost control recommendations out for public comment

Connecticut’s Healthcare Cabinet has been working on recommendations to stem the rising costs of prescription drugs in our state. The Chartbook on CT Health Spending, based on newly released data from CMS actuaries, per person drug costs for CT residents are the second highest in the nation and rising at the third highest rate among states. And drug costs show no signs of slowing. Just this week, several drug makers announced increases of almost 10% and payers expect brand name drugs to continue to skyrocket ahead of other health spending. CT ranks third highest among states in high-deductible health plans, meaning that consumers are directly bearing the brunt of much of these rising costs.

The Cabinet’s recommendations are now drafted and available for public comment. They include sensible, feasible, and fair policy options to promote value in healthcare spending, educate consumers and providers about best practices, and control costs that are sacrificing important spending in the state budget, employer and provider resources, and family finances. Comments will be accepted until January 15th at 4:30pm. Submit comments to