Thursday, December 16, 2010

A constituent who made a difference

Eva Bunnell was a mother whose husband was about to lose his job because he was spending time with their daughter with complex medical problems when she spoke to Sen. Christopher Dodd. Out of that conversation came the Family and Medical Leave Act. Eva told that story to advocates assembled to honor Sen. Dodd’s service to Connecticut. Sen. Dodd persisted for decades to make that law a reality in 1993. The law protects the employment of people who need to take time off for their health or that of a family member. Because of the law, Eva’s family was able to be with her daughter at the end of her life earlier this year. Defying the experts, Jacinta lived to the age of 27.
Full Disclaimer: In addition to being an inspiring advocate, Eva Bunnell is a former CTHPP Board member and a dear friend.
Ellen Andrews