Today’s Medicaid Council focused on the SIM
planning process working to reform CT’s health system across payers. The
project is planning a large public input solicitation over the next few months
through the Health Care Cabinet. The project is working to engage consumers and
develop a person-centered lens for policymaking. We’ll have more on SIM,
opportunities and concerns, in coming blog posts. DSS
gave an update on policy changes passed in the legislative session. Concerns
centered on the elimination of spend down eligibility for LIA members, linked
to the large expansion of Medicaid eligibility for that group as of Jan. 1st,
requirements for prescription drug step therapy, and implementation of ER
copayments of $7.90 for non-urgent visits. For the latter, hospitals must
ensure that the medical problem wasn’t urgent, and that an alternative
non-urgent care source was available before charging the copay, and that the
hospital must make a referral to an alternative. Concerns were also raised
about very
high rates of Charter Oak members failing to pay premiums over the last
year, approaching 20% of the total population in some months. Charter Oak
monthly premiums are not widely different from what many will pay on the
exchange. While Charter Oak is going away as the exchange comes online, the
experience provides important clues to ensuring the exchange is successful.