Yesterday’s SIM meeting showed some
positive movement toward a system that respects and protects consumers. Recognizing
the potential harm to consumers, SIM leaders now intend to monitor for under-treatment
and inappropriate treatment, and the payment model no longer includes
capitation, both serious
concerns raised by advocates. However advocates remain troubled that there
is no commitment to withhold savings payments from providers who, through
monitoring and a fair resolution process, are found to have reduced appropriate
care. The current plan does commit to withhold incentive payments from
providers who do not score well in either patient experience of care or in
reducing health disparities. Advocates also remain concerned about the
possibility of downside financial risk for providers – recouping funds from
providers whose patients’ care costs exceed expectations. The steering
committee, which includes no consumers or advocates, debated whether to include
“patient-centered” in the term for their proposed new CT-specific medical home
standards developed by a working group of providers. SIM leaders expect to
release a draft plan next week for public comment and to meet with stakeholder
groups in November for feedback.