Thursday, February 27, 2014
Help Wanted: SIM soliciting consumers, advocates and providers for next round of workgroups
is recruiting consumers, advocates and providers for workgroups to
implement the administration’s health reform plan. SIM has
been criticized for excluding critical stakeholders, especially consumers
and advocates, in developing the original reform plan that is to cover at least
80% of all state residents in five years with a controversial payment model. Advocates
are concerned that consumers will not receive independent support to ensure
their interests are protected as a minority in workgroups with sophisticated
insurance and other health care industry representatives. Advocates are also
concerned that qualifications for consumers and advocates require agreement to
support the already
finalized SIM plan that included little stakeholder input and to further
support the, as-yet-undecided recommendations of the workgroups. In a meeting
called by SIM staff, advocates recommended that consumers make up a
majority of workgroup members and that consumers choose their representatives
(rather than the administration or their appointees). Neither recommendation
was adopted or even discussed by the SIM steering committee. Despite this, it
is critical that independent consumers and advocates apply for appointment.
Independent consumer advocates are working on developing outside, independent
resources to support those members with unbiased, full information on health
policy options and effective advocacy. Applications are being accepted until
March 19th.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Exchange affordability measure gutted in committee
In yesterday’s
Insurance Committee meeting, SB-11
was amended to delay CT’s insurance exchange negotiating
premiums with insurers and changed “shall” to “may”, essentially making the
legislation irrelevant. The exchange has refused to negotiate with insurers in the
past, arguing among other things that it was too early to worry about high
premiums. Since last year, exchanges across the country have set rates and, as
predicted, CT’s premiums are the
highest among state-based exchanges. Six other states, including our three
neighboring states, successfully negotiate rates and have secured better deals
for their residents. Negotiating premiums is only one of several
options available to the state to make coverage affordable; CT’s exchange
has adopted none of them. CT’s exchange could
cover 216,000 state residents.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Encouraging Medicaid spending projections
CT expects our state share of Medicaid spending to drop,
actually drop, by $247 million from this fiscal year to next, according to a new
analysis. In fact, it is projected that it will take about two years to
climb back to current year spending levels. While spending
per capita dropped (and quality improved) in the last two years due to payment
and delivery reforms, most of the expected future reductions are due to
higher federal matching funds under the ACA. Over at least the next four years,
it is expected that CT’s state spending on Medicaid will remain under control.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
SIM update – more consumer concerns
Yesterday’s SIM steering committee was not encouraging for those hoping to see real consumer
involvement. The long-awaited workgroups will only have 25% (plus or minus)
consumer and advocate representatives. In addition, they expect anyone
appointed to be a supporter of the final SIM plan, and to agree to “champion”
the recommendations of the workgroup, even before the recommendations are
developed. (Upon questioning, they agreed to wordsmith the word “champion”, but
the expectations didn’t change.) It was noted that independent advocates would
have a difficult time making such an open-ended commitment.
Following the medical model, qualifications for consumer
representatives are people who have ”experienced health conditions such as
, diverse and balanced mix of participants, considering
life experience, individual circumstances, source of coverage, race/ethnicity,
and health conditions“ “With respect to consumers and advocates, it is
recommended that we express a preference for individuals with expertise related
to the care of health conditions.” For all other stakeholder groups, “state
agencies, private payers, and providers, we should in general express a
preference for individuals with subject matter expertise.” In response to
concerns that consumers will need support to participate meaningfully in
complex policy discussions, SIM will provide “coaching” to consumer members.
Concerns were also raised about disproportionate
representation by providers, constituting a majority on the Practice
Transformation committee that will develop the standards providers must meet to
qualify for financial incentives. The SIM steering committee also added three
more provider members.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Active purchasing bill public hearing
Friday, February 14, 2014
Book Club -- The Why Axis – how economic incentives work in the real world
In the latest addition to the CT Health Policy Project Book
Club -- They Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of
Everyday Life – the authors believe that findings from economic experiments
conducted in labs with undergraduates playing symbolic games do not translate
into actionable lessons for the real world. Gneezy and List describe their
messy, labor intensive but far more accurate real world experiments complete
with control groups and direct outcome measures. They’ve looked at whether
paying students, parents and/or teachers for better performance works (it does),
paying employees for healthy behaviors saves on health costs (it does), how to
reduce discrimination in markets (tell them you are getting more estimates),
does a nutrition education program get kids to choose healthier foods (it
doesn’t, but prizes work), and how to structure incentives and choices to
maximize impact. A fascinating book that ends with a strong call to include
experiments in any endeavor. Too many policies are set based on intuition or
extrapolation from another setting, and we end up scratching our heads later
not sure if it worked, or wondering why it didn’t. A good way to spend a snow
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Exchange active purchasing bill has a public hearing
The legislature’s Insurance and Real Estate Committee has
raised SB-11,
An Act Concerning the Duties of the CT Health Insurance Exchange, and will
hold a public hearing on the bill next Tuesday. SB-11 requires the CT Health
Insurance Exchange to active purchase health coverage for the estimated one in
ten state residents who will purchase health insurance there. The bill directs
the exchange to negotiate premiums with insurers to keep insurance affordable
for the individuals and small businesses. Last year’s
bill for the same purpose was approved by the committee, passed the Senate
but died on the House calendar. The exchange Board and staff rejected active
purchasing, claiming it would be “too adversarial” toward insurance companies. As
predicted, CT’s insurance exchange premiums are
4th highest in the US, higher than all other state-based exchanges,
and far higher than higher cost of living, surrounding states that negotiate
premiums on behalf of consumers.
The public hearing on SB-11 will be this Tuesday, February
18th at 11:30pm in Room 2D of the Legislative Office Building. Sign up begins
at 9:30am in Room 2800 of the LOB, where you can deliver 30 copies of written
testimony for distribution to committee members.
SIM update – answers, sort of, and further delays in starting work
On Monday, advocates received answers
to our questions about the SIM final plan – sort of. We did learn that they
are not considering pure capitation as a payment model at this time and that
any plans for Medicaid payment changes will go through the Medicaid Council –
both good. Unfortunately answers to the other consumer concerns were kicked
down the road to the workgroups. We also learned in Tuesday’s Health Care Cabinet
meeting that creation of those workgroups will be significantly delayed. That includes
the Equity and Access Committee charged, among other things, with developing a
monitoring plan for under-treatment. The final SIM plan acknowledges that
savings may be generated in some cases by inappropriate under-service and
denying people needed care, as happened under managed care in the 1990’s. After
lively debate, the plan’s final language does deny shared savings payments that
were generated at the expense of necessary care, but not before the incentives
are in place, as urged
by advocates. The plan sends responsibility for creating that system of underservice
monitoring to the Equity Committee, which is delayed indefinitely. SIM has been
criticized by advocates and others for a questionable, opaque process of, among
other things, choosing members of decision-making committee members, especially
the payer-dominated Steering Committee. At a meeting called by SIM staff for
suggestions on governance, advocates and consumers voted to make consumers and
advocates constitute at least 51% of all workgroup membership and for those
members to be chosen by consumers and advocates, as is done in other highly successful
CT policymaking forums. The usual convention for other stakeholder groups is to
ask their trade association for names for committees (see below). However, the
“new” plan for appointing members to the new workgroups is for staff to develop
a proposed structure with limited consumer/advocate slots, send it to that same
questionable Steering Committee for approval, then seek nominations from
advocates, consumers and other stakeholders for those limited spots, then the
same SIM leadership will make recommendations for membership, and send them
again to the same Steering Committee for approval. Advocates are concerned that
this “new” process just puts additional layers on the “old” process, and creates
an unnecessary delay in developing consumer protections.
In more SIM news, the participant
list for last month’s SIM meeting in DC is online. Four CT hospital reps,
the CSMS, and Commissioner Mullen attended along with DSS, OHA and SIM staff.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
New exchange numbers – good news but lots of questions
health insurance exchange has enrolled 121,983 people into coverage,
exceeding next month’s goal. In other good news, CT is beginning to catch up to
other states in Medicaid enrollment – 71,318 (58%) of those enrollments were
into Medicaid, 22,335 (31%) of those would have qualified for Medicaid without
the ACA. The exchange estimates that only 10 to 15% of those enrolled in
exchange plans were previously uninsured, raising questions about whether CT’s
uninsured rate will drop as much as expected. Other unanswered questions
crucial to evaluating the success of the exchange include the ages and health
needs of exchange enrollees and the adequacy of the provider network. A
bill has again been raised this session to address another serious
shortcoming of the exchange – CT has the
4th highest premiums in the US, higher than any other
state-based exchange. The bill, SB-11, would direct the exchange to negotiate
premiums with insurers. States that negotiate premiums offer lower premiums
to their customers. The state should pursue this and every other option
to keep coverage affordable for CT residents.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Yale Law Student conference on exchanges
Saturday the Yale Health Law & Policy Society held a
fascinating conference
on health insurance exchanges – early challenges and opportunities. Speakers
included academics, advocates, state officials and private consultants.
Focusing across the US, speakers highlighted the differences between states,
and between the federal exchange, state-run exchanges, and the models between
those two. Speakers addressed concerns about the ages of early enrollees
(whether too many older, presumably more expensive members, could create a
death spiral), disappointing enrollment numbers (and lowering expectations),
market influences – inside and outside exchanges, the politics of exchanges,
legal challenges (this was really entertaining – legislators can be very
creative in undermining a federal law they don’t like), churn how it affects
insurer incentives, the power of choice architecture, how exchanges fit into the
bumpy landscape of ongoing delivery and payment reforms, affordability (or the
lack of it), the expanding list of states expanding Medicaid through exchanges
and premium assistance, states blocking navigators and consumer assistance,
best practices in outreach, and a lot more. Smart speakers and great student
questions -- I learned a lot.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Press on Governor’s budget and health
Press accounts hold more information on the Governor’s
budget including what’s not there – relief for hospital cuts in previous years.
and Human Services, A Mixed Bag, CT News Junkie
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Governor’s budget update proposal
The Governor’s
midterm budget adjustment proposals include maintaining the increase in
primary care provider rates that began last year costing the state $15 million
in FY 2015 and $36 million in future years. The Affordable Care Act provided
full federal funding to cover the cost of those rate increases for 2013 and
2014 only. Those rate increases have been critical to improving provider
participation in the program. Advocates were concerned about sustaining
improved access to care if the rates dropped back to lower levels.
The Governor also added significant funding for the SIM project adding
$3.2 million to the Office of Health Care Advocate to hire 10.5 positions and
$65,000 to the Office of State Comptroller for one new position. The
administration intends to move forward with SIM payment and delivery model
changes regardless of whether CT is awarded more federal funds. This would more
than double the Office of Health Care Advocate’s budget.
The Governor also proposed $3.1 million in new funding for a
Governor’s Mental Health Initiative including rental assistance, supportive services,
crisis intervention training for law enforcement personnel, and an anti-stigma
The Governor also proposed enhancing fraud detection and
enforcement, adding two positions to the State Dept. on Aging, expanding the
Katie Beckett waiver to serve children with severe disabilities, and expanding
the CT Home Care Program for Adults with Disabilities. He also proposed
exempting non-prescription drugs from sales tax.
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