Friday, February 14, 2014
Book Club -- The Why Axis – how economic incentives work in the real world
In the latest addition to the CT Health Policy Project Book
Club -- They Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of
Everyday Life – the authors believe that findings from economic experiments
conducted in labs with undergraduates playing symbolic games do not translate
into actionable lessons for the real world. Gneezy and List describe their
messy, labor intensive but far more accurate real world experiments complete
with control groups and direct outcome measures. They’ve looked at whether
paying students, parents and/or teachers for better performance works (it does),
paying employees for healthy behaviors saves on health costs (it does), how to
reduce discrimination in markets (tell them you are getting more estimates),
does a nutrition education program get kids to choose healthier foods (it
doesn’t, but prizes work), and how to structure incentives and choices to
maximize impact. A fascinating book that ends with a strong call to include
experiments in any endeavor. Too many policies are set based on intuition or
extrapolation from another setting, and we end up scratching our heads later
not sure if it worked, or wondering why it didn’t. A good way to spend a snow