CT lost ground in progress
toward health reform according to the August CT Health Reform
Dashboard. The state moved backward to 28% completion mainly due to the new
plan that has drawn concerns from many stakeholders, less transparent
policymaking, and concerns that a federal
grant is driving health policy choices. Progress on patient-centered
medical homes was mixed with improvement by reaffirming national standards,
balanced by re-direction of glide path funding to support Medicaid shared
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
New SIM under service survey -- please help protect consumers

Development of a robust monitoring system for undertreatment
is crucial to protecting consumers as Connecticut reforms our health care
payment systems. The Equity and Access Committee is seeking input for our task.
To collect input, the CT Health Policy Project has developed a short survey to help us
collect measures of likely underservice to share with the rest of the committee.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Even if you participated
in our last survey, please also fill out this one. If you have any questions,
contact Ellen Andrews at andrews@cthealthpolicy.org.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Public forum tonight about St. Mary’s Hospital purchase and for-profit conversion
At 5pm tonight there will be a public forum at St. Mary’s Hospital’s
Conference Center Auditorium about plans to sell the hospital to Tenet
Healthcare Corp. Tenet is a for-profit hospital chain based in Dallas with hospitals
and clinics in 16 states. Tenet plans to purchase five CT hospitals, including nearby
Waterbury Hospital, and create a strong financial relationship with Yale-New
Haven. Advocates and labor representatives have raised
serious concerns about for-profit health care in CT and about
Tenet specifically. The state passed legislation
this year making it easier for non-profit hospitals to convert to
for-profit status.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Value over Volume 2.0 – twenty three tools for state policymakers to improve quality and control costs
Health care costs consume nearly a quarter of
state budgets, and that share is rising at a rate that policymakers agree is
unsustainable. Evidence shows that our runaway spending is not driving improved
quality, and that lasting reform will require a shift from a volume-based
system to one based on value. The good news
is that states are on the cutting edge of a transformation in how we pay for
health care, with potentially far-reaching impacts at home and in the broader
These innovations are documented in Value
Over Volume 2.0, a new report from the CSG/ERC Health Policy Committee,
which provides twenty three new tools to help policymakers build on their
progress. The tools are concrete policy options being used successfully by
states and other payers to control rising health costs while enhancing the effectiveness
of care.
“This is a must-read for anyone working in
health care policy today. Each topic discussed is a road map to where we need
to go after federal reform,” said Connecticut State Senator Terry Gerratana,
co-chair of the legislature’s Public Health Committee, and co-chair of
CSG/ERC’s Health Policy Committee.
As the leading payers and regulators of
health care, states have unique levers to reform health payment for both state
spending and the larger market. Value
Over Volume 2.0 follows up on CSG/ERC
research released four years ago introducing state policymakers to payment
$3 million in ACA insurance rebates coming to CT residents
69,186 CT residents will soon receive $3
million in rebates from insurers that spent less than 80% (individual
coverage) or 85% (large groups) of premiums on medical or quality improvement
services last year. The rebates result from Medical Loss Ratio provisions in
the ACA. CT’s total is down from $5.6
million in total refunds for 2012. National totals are down as well
suggesting that insurers are doing a better job of pricing their products and
reducing excessive administrative costs and profits. CT individual market
refunds average only $14 compared to the national average of $85 but CT large
group customers will do better with average refunds of $183 compared to $73
nationally. No small group consumers in CT will receive refunds in this round.
The refunds could come as a check in the mail, a reimbursement to the account
that paid the premium, a reduction in future premiums or through the employer
but in a way that benefits the consumer.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
SIM application online
CT’s SIM application has been submitted and is
online. An analysis will be coming soon.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
New to Book Club – Think Like a Freak
The newest addition to the CT Health Policy Project
Book Club, Think
Like a Freak, offers tools to unlock creativity in problem solving, using
new perspectives to solve intractable challenges – and health care has a lot of
those. Freakonomics and SuperFreakomomics, earlier CT Health Policy Project
Book Club selections, gave us interesting examples of how a different
perspective on a problem can give us better answers. The examples were
fascinating, which is great if they hit the issues you work on, but we can’t
wait for the authors to solve all our problems. Their new book helps the reader
find that new perspective and “think like a freak”. Lessons include think like
a child, focus on incentives, and learn to appreciate quitting. They also spend
a good amount of time working through the barriers to thinking like a freak including
no time, the comfort of running with the herd, and blindness to biases.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
June CT Health Policy Webquiz: CT health system performance

Monday, July 14, 2014
CMS announces new assistance for states to improve health system, many SIM alternatives
Today CMS unveiled the Innovation
Accelerator Program providing states with over 50 tools, programs and
technical assistance to improve Medicaid programs – both delivery and payment
reforms. SIM is only one of the dozens of tools listed. The tools include
numerous alternatives to CT’s risky SIM proposal to achieve every one of the
goals outlined in the CT SIM final plan.
Friday, July 11, 2014
SIM moving ahead with risky Medicaid plan despite 25 advocates’ objections
At yesterday’s meeting, the SIM steering committee chose to
move ahead with plans to radically
change the Medicaid program – to include shared savings and an 1115 waiver.
The new plan, rushed out in only a few weeks, reverses
earlier assurances to advocates that the state would go slowly into shared
savings payment incentives, recognizing that people in the program are at higher
risk of underservice. New features
unveiled at yesterday’s meeting include that the eventual plan is to move
600,000 Medicaid members into shared savings over the next six years, only
beginning with 200,000 or more Jan. 1, 2016. We also had our first look at the
proposed SIM budget, which includes only a small sum for monitoring
underservice, less than for focus groups and other consumer education or program
evaluation. The budget was developed by collecting requests from the “owners”
of SIM – state agencies. However state officials assert that the grant is not
motivated by bringing federal funding to the state. Twenty five independent
consumer advocates, who do not stand to benefit from the decision either way, signed
a letter opposing the new Medicaid plan, concerned about serious harms to
Medicaid clients who struggle now to access care, and jeopardizing recent
hard-fought progress in the program. But committee members were not persuaded, believing the potential benefits outweigh the
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Medicaid Council voices concerns about new SIM proposal
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Questions for SIM about radical new Medicaid proposal
sent yesterday for today’s meeting about SIM’s risky, new Medicaid proposal
have been posted. One asks why a dangerous 1115 waiver is necessary? Did
SIM planners explore other, less dangerous options? 1115
waivers necessarily include a cap on federal reimbursement (to meet the
federal budget neutrality requirement) endangering the state budget and
potential future Medicaid cuts if health costs continue to rise. The two stated
reasons for a waiver – covering community health worker preventive services,
and providing air conditioners for people with asthma – are not compelling. As
of Jan. 1st federal rules changed to allow Medicaid payment for CHW
services and the extra state cost of air conditioners for 75% of Medicaid
adults with asthma is minimal. Advocates
have many concerns about the skeletal proposal rushed out to win a federal
grant. The MAPOC will hear from SIM proponents about their plan this morning at
9:30 in Room 2C of the LOB.
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