Development of a robust monitoring system for undertreatment
is crucial to protecting consumers as Connecticut reforms our health care
payment systems. The Equity and Access Committee is seeking input for our task.
To collect input, the CT Health Policy Project has developed a short survey to help us
collect measures of likely underservice to share with the rest of the committee.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. Even if you participated
in our last survey, please also fill out this one. If you have any questions,
contact Ellen Andrews at
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
New SIM under service survey -- please help protect consumers
The SIM Equity and Access Committee is working to develop a
monitoring system for inappropriate underservice as CT’s health system moves
toward shared savings payment models. Underservice can be denial of appropriate
care, limiting expensive treatment options, limiting access to certain
providers, avoidance of consumers that may not generate savings, or cost
shifting to consumers. Limits may be complete denial of treatment, offering
only some treatment options, or limiting the scope/duration/frequency of
treatment. While inappropriate underservice occurs now, especially in the Medicaid
program, it is possible that shared savings incentives will encourage the
problem. To protect consumers, the SIM plan includes a principle denying shared
savings payments that were generated by systemic, inappropriate underservice.