Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Investigators highlight problems in Medicaid managed care nationally – but through collaborative effort CT is a success story
Getting a lot of national
attention, a new
report by federal investigators highlights significant problems in
accessing Medicaid care, largely through private managed care plans, as millions
of Americans enter the program. However, through collaborative effort,
Connecticut serves as an exception to that trend. The report outlines a lack of
access or quality standards across states, and even worse monitoring or
enforcement of the few standards that exist. Connecticut used to have this
problem. But two years ago the administration shifted to a self-administered,
care coordination-based system and we have
largely reversed the problem. Since the shift quality of care is up, 32%
more providers participate, and per person costs are down. In a survey of
providers, advocates also outlined the system’s challenges, and identified
best practices from other states and systems. Over the last two years DSS has
addressed the report’s issues, one by one -- improving operations, transparency
and stability. Connecticut Medicaid is a success story – both in outcomes and
demonstrating the power of collaboration; other states should take notice.
Monday, September 29, 2014
HHS finds ACA is lowering hospital uncompensated care costs
News Junkie is reporting on a new analysis
by HHS finding that hospital uncompensated care costs are down significantly,
particularly in Medicaid expansion states like Connecticut. However the CT
Hospital Association says they have not experienced a decrease in the first
nine months of 2014. The state’s OPM budget office expects to see a decrease
over time.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
CEPAC diabetes comparative effectiveness meeting Oct. 29th
The next CEPAC
meeting will review the latest research on effectiveness of treatments for diabetes. CEPAC is a New England group of
researchers, consumers, physicians and payers that evaluates and translates the
best information on treatment effectiveness into useable tools and policies to
improve the quality and value of health care in the region. Past CEPAC topics
have included evaluations of treatments for opiod addiction, breast cancer screening,
and community health
worker services. The meeting will be October 29th in Providence,
RI. Registration is free.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Webinar -- Provider Payment Reform Options: Aspiration Meets Reality

Monday, September 22, 2014
SIM update
various meetings this month we’ve received a few updates on CT’s SIM planning.
CT is competing with 17 other states for 12 test grants. SIM staff has
acknowledged receipt of the independent
advocates’ letter to CMMI and an FOI regarding Consumer Advisory Board
voting and SIM budget development, but we’ve had no response to either. They
are still fully committed to the controversial rushed timeframe for the
Medicaid shift to shared savings.
also committed to using Medicare quality measures for everyone in the state, which
admittedly does not fit the needs of Medicaid and other populations and many
are self-reported, simply to improve the states’ prospects of winning the grant
to hire more
state employees and consultants. There may be opportunities to add to the
Medicare measures to ensure quality of care for other populations but it is unclear
what group will have a possible opportunity to do that for over 800,000
Medicaid members.
is also a huge effort to “align” quality standards across all payers. This is
unfortunate for several reasons. Variation often leads to better learning and
reduces gaps in measurement. Metrics need to make sense for each population and
alignment risks including useless measures, wasting time and effort, and
missing critical information – both on what is working well (serving as clues
to innovation) and what needs improvement. There is ample evidence that people
shift their efforts when they know their performance standards ahead of time,
focusing effort on the areas on which they will be evaluated, at the expense of
other areas. In the new world of bigger and better data that is collected
automatically, reducing human error and tendencies, there is no additional burden
on providers and minimal cost in collecting and analyzing more metrics. Quality
improvement efforts may need to be focused to be effective – quality monitoring
shouldn’t be.
workforce and HIT workgroups are forming and outside consultants should be in
place to help guide the SIM process soon.
Medicaid Council meeting
This month’s MAPOC meeting
was loaded with updates on the program. The highlight was results from the
newest mystery shopper survey. Callers were able to get appointments within
appropriate timeframes with 63.8% of participating providers this year,
compared to 33.6% last year. Even that is better than the only survey conducted
while HUSKY was run by managed care companies; mystery shoppers were only able to get appointments with 20 to 25%
of providers listed on those HMO panels. This reflects the state’s progress in
recruiting new providers -- for example the number of participating PCPs is up
21% over 2012 levels. In more good news, only 14.6% of mystery shoppers were
told that their insurance status (Medicaid coverage) affected the availability
of appointments and only 7% felt unwelcome or discouraged from making an
appointment. Unfortunately much work remains in enrollment, especially reducing
the 78-minute average wait time for the call center. There was also discussion
of implementation of new MAGI eligibility standards, total eligibility growth, network
adequacy, and access to dental care.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Independent advocates raise SIM concerns with CMMI
Twenty-two independent
consumer advocates signed a letter sent Friday to CMMI voicing concerns
about CT’s SIM application. While advocates have many concerns, the letter
focuses on the sudden
planned shift to shared savings payments in Medicaid. Concerns include the
prospect that shared savings incentives could drive inappropriate underservice
and that state’s quality and financial monitoring resources will not be able to
detect harm to people or financial gaming of the system. Shared savings is a
very new payment model that other, more mature, health systems in other states are
struggling to implement. CT’s recent failed HUSKY managed care program was
driven by similar financial incentives; since we moved away from those
incentives quality of
care is up, costs are down and more providers have joined the program.
The independent advocates’ letter asks CMMI in negotiations
over the grant application to require the state to return to the more reasoned,
progressive Medicaid plan in the December SIM “final plan” – to first pilot
shared savings through the thoughtful, consensus-led Medicaid health
neighborhood program for dual eligibles very close to implementation. This would
allow the state to identify challenges, learn from them, test solutions and
evaluate results -- improving the chances of sustainable success and limiting
harm to people.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Medicaid, SIM committee update – PCMH success continues, SIM making important Medicaid decisions
The Care Coordination committee of MAPOC has been given
responsibility for oversight and advice on SIM’s
controversial new plans for Medicaid, especially the shared savings payment
model. The committee’s original mission remains as well – to track Medicaid’s
successful patient-centered medical home program.
In yesterday’s meeting we
heard more about continuing PCMH
success. The number of participating practices is accelerating every quarter.
Even as enrollment climbs with the ACA expansion, the percent of members served
by a PCMH remains at 32%, matching growing capacity with growing demand.
Unfortunately since the last report, a large hospital-affiliated practice
decided not to renew PCMH certification citing financial reasons. It was
reported that some payers increasingly prefer to reward large practices with
advanced analytic and other capacities that support shared savings (as well as
quality in some cases) at the expense of PCMH supports (which focus on quality
and access to care, but do save as well).
The SIM update reiterated the intent, over advocates’
objections, to have the underservice and quality measures developed by SIM’s
Equity & Access and Quality Committees apply to Medicaid. To improve
chances of getting the federal SIM grant, the Quality Committee adopted
Medicare ACO quality measures as the basis for the entire state population.
Advocates have argued that Medicaid serves a very different population with
different needs than Medicare or commercially insured populations. Advocates
are concerned that the SIM committees are dominated by commercial insurers, who
no longer have a role in the state’s Medicaid program, and little Medicaid
consumer representation. We were told that the PCMH SIM committee, that
includes Medicaid expertise, can review the SIM committees’ decisions, but
cannot use a more appropriate set of standards.
Monday, September 8, 2014
CTNJ Op-Ed: Medicaid spending myth driving unhealthy policies
An Op-Ed
published in today’s CT News Junkie debunks the persistent, old (pre-ACA)
myth that state spending on Medicaid is “out of control”. Unfortunately that
myth is driving SIM policymakers into a risky shared savings payment model that
is unproven, ill conceived and wouldn’t make much difference in the state
budget even if it worked.
Friday, September 5, 2014
More CT Medicaid benefits from dropping insurers – no ACA taxes
Because CT dropped insurers from our Medicaid plan three
years ago, we are not subject to
the ACA tax on insurers saving state taxpayers more than a billion dollars
over the next decade. The ACA tax on
fully-insured plans is due for the first time September 30 and will
cost fully-insured states $700 million just this year. Twelve other states without
Medicaid insurers are also spared this tax. Medicaid programs in NY, RI and NJ
will pay over $2,000 per member over the next decade in ACA taxes. In a
satisfying twist, several states that did not expand Medicaid under the ACA are
paying the tax to fund our expansion.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
September CT Health Policy Webquiz: CT state employee health plan
Test your knowledge about CT’s state employee health plan
costs. Take the September
CT Health Policy Webquiz.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
CT health reform progress meter finally starts moving up again
Starting to recover from the bomb thrown by SIM leaders in
to CT’s Medicaid success, CT’s
progress toward health reform moved up slightly to 28.4% this month – the
first rise in two months. The progress resulted from detailed, and better,
quality measures from Medicaid and CID’s insurance rate review that lowered insurers’
excessive increases for 2015. Consumer engagement and troubling Medicaid
reimbursement issues held progress back, as does continuing concerns about SIM
plans. The progress meter is part of the CT Health Reform Dashboard.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
CT Mirror calculator figures insurance costs for 2015
A cool new
calculator from CT Mirror allows visitors to compute coverage costs across
health plans with just a few clicks. It is way too much fun to play with. The
tool is part of the Mirror’s new Health Care
Users Guide. Highly recommended.
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