Bob Berenson, MD of the Urban Institute for a CTHPP
webinar November 18th at 1pm as he explains health care payment
reform options. Dr. Berenson has long health policy experience, both inside and
outside government. He served as Director of Medicare Payment Policy at CMS.
His work focuses on quality
measurement/improvement and Medicare shared savings. In the webinar Dr.
Berenson will focus particularly on shared savings models as CT is considering
for both the Medicaid/Medicare
health neighborhood pilots and the much more ambitious
SIM plan. Click here to
register for the Nov. 18th webinar.
For over a decade, the CT Health Policy Project has provided Connecticut consumers and policymakers with the clear, balanced information they need to make the best health care decisions.
Ellen Andrews, PhD, has been Executive Director of the CT Health Policy Project since its inception in 1999. Her experience includes positions in consumer advocacy, policy analysis, direct health care services, legislative staff, and academic research.
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CT Health Notes is a biweekly informational newsletter of the Connecticut Health Policy Project. It includes research summaries, news, event notices, policy proposals and other issues important to CT's health policy.