In what was supposed to be a one-hour meeting, the SIM
Steering Committee met yesterday to discuss how to cut the original $64m budget
in the federal application down to $45m, as requested by CMMI. It was a poorly
structured meeting that quickly led to a disorderly grab for money. Staff
provided members with a proposal for what to cut and what to keep at least 24
hours before the meeting, but the proposal was not made public. Members argued
for their own agencies and providers while carefully explaining why competing
items were less worthy. Funding for HIT, community health workers, and state personnel
were among the areas questioned. The Consumer Advisory Board agreed to cut
travel to conferences for volunteer CAB members from their $1.6m budget. Less
experienced members were confused about several areas including staffing and
when funding parts of several positions and the use of consultants can be the
most effective way to direct complex projects that cross many programs. The
voting was not well planned and created deep confusion among members. I hung up
after 2 hours but can’t wait to see what was decided. The regularly scheduled public
Steering Committee meeting on Thursday has been cancelled.