In another presentation, CT Voices for Children reported on
continuity of coverage in HUSKY. The most important finding is that continuity
is higher in HUSKY Part A (no family costs) than in Part B (with costs for
families). In fact, gaps in coverage are more common for children in higher
cost bands of HUSKY Part B, suggesting that costs to families are the barrier
to staying in the program. This has troubling implications for coverage in CT’s
health insurance exchange, where coverage costs can be very high.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Medicaid Council update – very good news on PCMHs
At today’s Medicaid
Council meeting we heard an impressive presentation by DSS and CHNCT,
Medicaid’s administrative services organization, about the success of
person-centered medical homes (PCMHs) in CT’s program. At the end of the year
211,206 Medicaid consumers were being cared for in a PCMH – about one in three CT
Medicaid recipients. 65% of all NCQA certified PCMH providers are participating
in the Medicaid program. Quality of care in PCMHs is higher than in non-PCMH
practices on 9 of 11 measures including adolescent well care rates, diabetes
care, and avoiding ED visits. Quality bonuses went out to high performing
practices in 2013, with more to come this year, in addition to higher payment
rates for all PCMHs. Consumers report better satisfaction with care, better
access to specialists and providers more willing to listen. EPSDT rates are
higher in PCMHs and practices are largely very satisfied with the support they
are getting from the state in achieving and maintaining PCMH certification.